Question: A train is in the process of speeding up, as it nears the top of a rounded hill, as shown below. The coefficient of static friction the wheels on the rails is u, = 0.2. The mass of the train is M = 20,000 kg, it maintains a constant speed of 5.0 m/s. The radius of curvature of the hill is 50 m. At its current location, the nose of the train is pointed at 5 degrees above the flat surrounding countryside. HINT: Think VERY carefully about how you choose to draw your axes.

A) Draw a free-body diagram of the train, as it proceeds up the hill.
B) Show that the normal force of the tracks on the train is 185,250 N.
C) Show that the force of friction on the train must be 17,080 N.
D) The train is behind schedule, but is NOT using full power at this point. What good, physics reason, might the conductor give for not using full power? Equations and words can both help you with this one.