
A tower packed with 1-in ceramic raschig rings treats 50ooo

Question: A tower packed with 1-in. ceramic Raschig rings treats 50,OOO ft3 of entering gas per hour. The gas contains 2 mole percent SO2 and is scrubbed with water initially SO2 free, in such a manner that 90 percent of the SO2 is removed. The tower pressure is 1 atm and temperature is 70°F. If the actual UG rate is to be 25 percent greater than the minimum, and the gas velocity is to be 50 percent of the flooding velocity, what should the tower diameter be? The equilibrium curve is

yA = 1.1 xA

For I in Rasching rings a/ε3 = 159, Also, f = 1.0.

2. It is desired to reduce the mole fraction of NH3 in an air stream from y = 0.01 to y = 0.001 using pure water in counter flow in a packed column

The equilibrium relation is

YNH3 = 1.66 xNH3

(a) Sketch the equilibrium line.

(b) Sketch in the values y = 0.01 and y = 0.001.

(c) Indicate on your sketch the operating line point that corresponds to the top of the tower

(d) Indicate on your sketch the operating line point that corresponds to the bottom of the tower if minimum L/G is Used.

(e) Sketch the operating line ifL/G = 2 (L/G)min.

(f) Sketch and calculate the concentration of the outlet water for (e).

(g) If HOG is 1.6 ft, what will be the required height of packing?

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Physics: A tower packed with 1-in ceramic raschig rings treats 50ooo
Reference No:- TGS02310652

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