For a large fill operation, the average permanent load [Ds9spd ] on the clay layer will increase by about 75 kN/m2. The average effective over- burden pressure on the clay layer before the fill operation is 110 kN/m2. For the clay layer, which is normally consolidated and drained at top and bottom, given: Hc 5 8 m, Cc 5 0.27, eo 5 1.02, Cv 5 0.52 m2/month. Determine the following:
a. The primary consolidation settlement of the clay layer caused by the addition of the permanent load Dss9pd
b. The time required for 80% of primary consolidation settlement under the additional permanent load only
c. The temporary surcharge, Ds9s f d, that will be required to eliminate the entire primary consolidation settlement in 12 months by the precompression technique