Assignment: Essay 1 is a personal memoir consisting of 4-8 well-developed paragraphs. Remember, the purpose of this memoir is to explore the meaning of an event or series of events from your past.
Your personal memoir must include these features:
An engaging title that hints at the memoir's overall meaning or "theme".
An introduction with a "lead" that captures the reader's interest or sets a scene.
A complication that must be resolved in some way-a tension or conflict between people's values and beliefs, or a personal inner conflict the author faces.
A plot that draws the reader forward as the memoir moves through a series of scenes or stages.
Intimacy between the narrator and the reader, allowing the writer to speak with readers in a personal one-on-one way.
Rich and vivid details that give the story greater imagery, texture, and impact.
A central them or question that is rarely announced or answered explicitly but that the narrator explores and reflects on with the reader.
A new understanding or revelation that represents a moment of growth, transformation, or clarity in the writer.