Question: A tensile test specimen has a starting gage length = 75.0 mm. It is elongated during the test to a length = 110.0 mm before necking occurs. Determine
(a) the engineering strain and
(b) the true strain.
(c) Compute and sum the engineering strains as the spec-imen elongates from:
(1) 75.0 to 80.0 mm,
(2) 80.0 to 85.0 mm,
(3) 85.0 to 90.0 mm,
(4) 90.0 to 95.0 mm,
(5) 95.0 to 100.0 mm,
(6) 100.0 to 105.0 mm, and
(7) 105.0 to 110,0 mm.
(d) Is the result closer to the answer to part (a) or part (b)? Does this help to show what is meant by the term true strain?