
A technician wearing a brass bracelet enclosing area000500

A technician wearing a brass bracelet enclosing area0.00500 m2 places her hand in a solenoid whose magneticfield is 2.90 T directed perpendicular tothe plane of the bracelet. The electrical resistance around thecircumference of the bracelet is 0.0200 Ω. An unexpectedpower failure causes the field to drop to 0.87 T in a time of 20.0 ms.

a) Find the current induced in the bracelet.
b) Find the power (P) delivered to the bracelet. (Note:As this problem implies, you should not wear any metal objects when working in regions of strong magnetic fields.)

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Physics: A technician wearing a brass bracelet enclosing area000500
Reference No:- TGS0900629

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