
A survey of 122 families with epileptic children explored

A survey of 122 families with epileptic children explored the behavior of the family dog in connection with epileptic seizures.

a. It was reported that "20% of families with epileptic children said their pets have the ability to anticipate a seizure. . ." Was this information most likely obtained with an open or a closed question? Is the variable of interest quantitative or categorical?

b. It was also reported that "anticipation time ranged from 10 seconds to five hours, with an average of 2.5 minutes." Was this information most likely obtained with an open or a closed question? Is the variable of interest quantitative or categorical?

c. Furthermore, "responses from the 122 families in the survey reveal protective behaviors by a variety of dogs. For example: A sheltie-spitz mixed breed sits on a child before a drop attack, a seizure that causes an epileptic to fall to the ground. An Akita keeps a young girl away from the stairs 15 minutes before a seizure. And a Great Pyrenees attaches itself to a 3-year-old, forgoing even food and water, hours before the girl has a convulsion." What is the name for this type of evidence?

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Basic Statistics: A survey of 122 families with epileptic children explored
Reference No:- TGS02611909

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