A+ Support Skills: File Management
- Take a screenshot of the Jellyfish picture in the search results box.
- Take a screenshot of the C:\ drive when logged in as Bobby.
- What is the Pagefile.sys file?
- Take a screenshot after the command: xcopy D:\. /s c:\users\public\tools.
- What happened when you typed cd %systemroot%? Why?
A+ Support Skills: Windows Maintenance
- Take a screenshot of theDisk Cleanup for (C:)dialog box.
- Take a screenshot after thedisk analysis for disk defragmenteris complete.
- Take a screenshot after you clickSave Settings and Run backup.
A+ Support Skills: Application Management
- Take a screenshot of theComputer Management windowshowing theThemes Propertieswindow.
- Take a screenshot of theServices tabof task manager.
- What is a PID? Name two PID's you see in task manager.
- Take a screenshot of thePerformance Tabin task manager.