
A supervisory position has opened up due to someone

A supervisory position has opened up due to someone retiring in the medical office in which you work. You and your pregnant co-worker are talking about it at lunch one day, and your co-worker is very excited because she has been told several times that the next supervisory position that came open would be hers. The next day, however, it is announced that someone with less experience and time on the job will be taking over the position instead. Your co-worker feels very strongly that it is because she is pregnant and going on maternity leave in two months. Do you feel that your co-worker has a valid claim against the medical office? Why, or why not? What steps, if any, do you feel she should take next to address this situation? How would she go about proving a violation of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act? Be sure to present reasons to support your answer.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Any references or citations used should be in APA style.

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Reference No:- TGS0589366

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