
A summary of the research procedures and findings for the

For this project, you will evaluate a controversial topic on the relationship of the mind to physical, sensory reality; research and prepare a critical evaluation of studies. Familiarize yourself with the nature of paranormal inquiries. Choose one of the topics below for your research project:

  • Precognition research
  • Global consciousness PEAR
  • Psychokinesis research
  • Remote viewing research

Then, complete the following steps:

1. Use a search engine and a local or university library to find research reports and other evaluations on your topic. Note your sources and be sure to record source information so you can correctly cite it at the end of your project.

2. Once you've accessed at least three articles or essays from credible sources, begin to organize a report, including the following four parts:

  • An introduction stating the objective of your research
  • A summary of the research procedures and findings for the topic you've selected
  • A critical conclusion offering your evaluation of the research and its possible applications for science
  • A references page listing all sources used for your paper

Type your submission, double-spaced, in a standard print font, size 12. Use a standard document format with one-inch margins.

For the research project, include a works cited page.

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Dissertation: A summary of the research procedures and findings for the
Reference No:- TGS02286980

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