
A study on lean practices of organization - collect as many

A Study on Lean Practices of Organization

Instructions for the Assignment

1. Collect as many questionnaires as possible from managers of departments relevant for the implementations of lean practices.
2. Record the collected data either on a excel sheet or on a SPSS sheet.
3. Analyze the data .
4. Present the data so analyzed .
5. Write a discussion on the findings.
6. Write a section on conclusions that arise through the discussions.

A Study on Lean Practices of Organization

Section I

1. Organization ........................................................................

2. How many years have you been working for this organization?

a. Less than 1 year
b. 2 years <= 5 years
c. 6 year <= 10 years
d. 11year < =20 years
e. >= 21 years

3. What does Lean Practices mean to you?

4. What types of Lean practices are being followed at presently in your company?
Waste minimization
Continuous improvement
Defects minimization
JIT and pull
Cross-functional teams
Employee involvement
Information availability

5. To what extent you have implemented Lean?
a) 0-20%
b) 21-40%
c) 41-60%
d) 61-80%
e) 81-100%

6. What type of Lean tools and techniques are being used at presently in you company?
Cellular manufacturing
Just -in-time
Value stream mapping
Total productive maintenance
Set up reduction
Total Quality Management

7. How effective was the implementation of each tool?
Cellular manufacturing
Just -in-time
Value stream mapping
Total productive maintenance
Set up reduction
Total Quality Management

8. Does your company use any other Lean Tool? If so please indicate.

9. What is your overall perception regarding following Lean?

a) Lean practices are effective
b) Lean practices reduced the complexity of my work
c) Lean practices made my work more coordinated
d) Lean practices improved worker engagement
e) Other (Please specify)

10. To which extent you satisfied with the training you had regarding Lean practices? (Select one)

Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied

11. What did you expect to gain from implementing Lean?

12. What are the benefits you gain from implementing Lean?

13. Please indicate the level of top management support.

a) Very unsupportive
b) Unsupportive
c) Neutral
d) Supportive
e) Very Supportive

From item 14 to 24, please indicate your view for each question in the scale strongly agrees to strongly disagree by ticking the relevant answer.

14. Waste

15. Continuous Improvement

16. Defects Minimization

17. JIT and pull

18. Cross Functional Teams

19. Employee Involvement

20. Information Availability

21. Culture

22. Continuous Process Improvement

23. Enterprise Alignment

24. Results

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Dissertation: A study on lean practices of organization - collect as many
Reference No:- TGS02777548

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