A Strategic Vision is Differ from a Mission Statement:
Whereas the chief concern of a strategic vision is with "where we are going & why", a company's mission statement usually deals with a company's present business scope & purpose -"who we are, what we do, & why we are here."
- A company's mission is defined by the buyer needs it seeks to satisfy, the customer groups & market segments it is endeavoring to serve & the resources & technologies that it is deploying in trying to please its clients.
- Many companies prefer the term business point to mission statement, but the two slogans are essentially conceptually identical & used interchangeably.
- Company mission statements almost never say anything about where the companies are headed, the anticipated changes in its business or its aspirations.
CORE CONCEPT: The difference between a strategic vision & a mission statement is fairly definite. A strategic vision depicts a company's future business scope (where we are going) whereas a company's mission typically describe its present business scope & purpose ("what we do, why we are here and where we are now").
18. Infrequently, companies couch their work in terms of making a profit. The notion that a company's work or business point is to build a profit is mistaken - profit is more properly an objective & a result of what a company does.