
A strategic plan is about thinking organizing and

Question: Strategic Plan

A strategic plan is about thinking, organizing, and predicting, based on thoroughly grounded research and documentation. From your previous coursework of developing an outline, conducting a SWOT/PEST analysis, and developing a budget, you have the basis for compiling a full and complete strategic plan for your chosen organization.

Your strategic plan must consider the appropriate elements, depending on whether your plan is for a program or agency in a government, for-profit organization, nonprofit organization, or hybrid organization. Accordingly, your strategic plan will recognize the priorities, goals, and objectives of the appropriate organization. Remember that a normal timeframe for a strategic plan is five years, and for a short-range plan up to five years.

Instructions: For this assignment, create a strategic plan for your chosen organization. Your plan will have nearly all of the following components (headings), depending on whether you are preparing a public sector, private sector, civil society sector, or mixed (hybrid) plan. Include the following:

1. Format Structure:

a. Executive Summary.

b. Board Authorization of Strategic Plan (in the case of a corporation).

c. Organizational Description.

d. Mission, Vision, and Values.

e. Goals and Strategies.

2. Appendices:

a. Action Planning (including objectives, responsibilities, and timelines).

b. Description of Strategic Planning Process Used.

c. Strategic Analysis Data (external analysis, internal analysis, and list of issues).

d. Goals for Board Committees and Chief Executive Officer.

e. Staffing Plans.

f. Operating Budgets.

g. Financial Reports (budgets, statements, etcetera).

h. Monitoring and Evaluation of Plan (criteria, responsibilities, and findings).

i. Communicating the Plan.

3. Your narrative for this assignment should include the following:

4. Develop a realistic budget for your chosen organization.

a. Explain what makes it realistic.

5. Apply strategic planning theory to your organizational strategic plan.

a. Explain which theories are most relevant to your plan, and why they are important.

6. Assess the mission and vision relationship to expected outcomes for your chosen organization.

Submission Requirements

1. Written Communication:Communicate your strategic plan by writing in a professional manner that exemplifies doctoral-level critical thinking and analysis in your paper. Do not just present a summary of the readings.

a. Objectively evaluate and report on the findings of your research materials and the readings from the course.

b. Make points that are logical, substantive, and relevant, based on the presented evidence.

c. Avoid written errors that detract from the overall message.

d. Clearly identify in your paper where you are addressing each grading criterion or part of the assignment.

2. Length: The executive summary should be 750 words, with a minimum of 150 words per section of the plan, plus a reference section with citations.

3. Number of Resources: Minimum of fifteen resources listed at the end of the outline in a reference section.

4. APA Guidelines: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Use APA-formatted headings and subheadings, as appropriate.

5. Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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Dissertation: A strategic plan is about thinking organizing and
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