Question: A steel plate is subjected to an axial load, as shown in the accompanying figure. The plate is 1/16 in thick, and it has a modulus of elasticity E = 29 x 106lb/in2. Recall that we approximated the deflections and average stresses along the plate using the concept of one-dimensional direct formulation. Using ANSYS, determine the deflection and the x and y-components of the stress distributions in the plate. Also, determine the location of the maximum-stress-concentration regions Plot the variation of the x-component of the stress at sections A-A, B-B, and C-C. Compare the results of the direct-formulation model to the results obtained from ANSYS. Furthermore, recall that for the given problem, it was mentioned that the way in which you apply the external load to your finite element model will influence the stress-distribution results. Experiment with applying the load over an increasingly large load-contact surface area. Discuss your results