
A state wishes to computerize the scoring at its diving

Step 1: Requirements - DIVER Scoring Program
A state wishes to computerize the scoring at its diving competition. The program will input the diver's name, city, the scores of the 5 judges, and the degree of difficulty. Each diver receives a score (0 - 10) from 5 judges. The overall score is obtained as follows: all five scores are added. The highest and lowest scores are always assumed to be skewed, or inaccurate, so they are dropped. Divide the resulting score by 3 and multiply that by the degree of difficulty. The degree of difficulty ranges from 1.00 to 1.67. Display the diver's information and overall score.
After all divers have been processed, a summary report listing the number of divers and the average score of the divers will be displayed to the screen.
When writing this lab, use nested loops. A nested loop is where one loop is completely contained in another loop. In an inner loop you will read the 5 scores one at a time. Every time you read the score (in the loop), you will compare the score to the highest so far and also to the lowest so far, so that you can determine the highest and lowest scores in addition to adding the scores up one at a time.
You also need to have your program process multiple divers. Put this in an outer loop. After you process the information for one diver, prompt the user if she/he wants to process another diver. Allow the user to type either a 'Y' or a 'y' to enter another diver's information; otherwise, exit the loop. Write an event summary by calculating and displaying the average score for all divers and the total number of divers participating.
The data being entered by the user needs to be validated. GIGO - Garbage In/Garbage Out. Scores by judges may range between 0 and 10 inclusive. If the user enters an invalid score, display an error message, and prompt for the score again. Keep doing this until the user enters the score correctly. The degree of difficulty may range from 1.00 to 1.67 inclusive. 
Sample output from program
Report to the media
Event: Diving competition

Enter the diver's name: Sue Jones
Enter the diver's city: Dallas
Enter the score given by judge #1: 45
Invalid score - Please reenter (Valid Range: 0 - 10)
Enter the score given by judge #1: 3
Enter the score given by judge #2: 4.5
Enter the score given by judge #3: 6.7
Enter the score given by judge #4: 89
Invalid score - Please reenter (Valid Range: 0 - 10)
Enter the score given by judge #4: 8
Enter the score given by judge #5: 9.2
What was the degree of difficulty? 1.9
Invalid degree of difficulty - Please reenter (Valid Range: 1 - 1.67)
What was the degree of difficulty? 2
Invalid degree of difficulty - Please reenter (Valid Range: 1 - 1.67)
What was the degree of difficulty? 1.2

Diver: Sue Jones, City: Dallas
Overall score was 7.68

Do you want to process another diver (Y/N)? y

Enter the diver's name: Dave Smith
Enter the diver's city: Houston
Enter the score given by judge #1: 5.7
Enter the score given by judge #2: 6.8
Enter the score given by judge #3: 7.6
Enter the score given by judge #4: 8.7
Enter the score given by judge #5: 6.7
What was the degree of difficulty? 1.1

Diver: Dave Smith, City: Houston
Overall score was 7.74

Do you want to process another diver (Y/N)? n

Number of divers participating: 2
Average score of all divers: 7.71
Press any key to continue . . .
Step 2: Processing Logic
Using the pseudo code below, write the code that will meet the requirements:

Write report heading

Loop as long as there are divers to process
Input diver's name and city
Initialize highest score, lowest score and total score

Using a do-while loop input the 5 judge's scores
Validate the score to ensure it is between 0 and 10
Add score to total
Determine highest and lowest scores

Input and validate the degree of difficulty
Calculate the overall diver's score

Display the diver's information and overall score
Add diver's overall score to the final score
Add 1 to the number of divers

Prompt the user if she wants to process another diver

Calculate the average score for all divers
Display the number of divers and the average score for all divers

Step 3: Create a new project
Create a new project and name it LAB3. 
Write your code using the Processing Logic in Step 2. Make sure you save your program. 

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C/C++ Programming: A state wishes to computerize the scoring at its diving
Reference No:- TGS0134223

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