
A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company

A stakeholder is “a party that has an interest in a company, and can either affect or be affected by the business. The primary stakeholders in a typical company are its investors, employees, and customers. (Stakeholder, 2017)

At post University I as a student am a “customer” of the services that Post University provides. As a student, I utilize the educational opportunities that are the foundation and mission of the school. It is critical to listen to the voice of myself and other students, because we are what drives the future success of the school. For example, a bank analyzes complaints to understand the areas that customers are most complaining about in an attempt to identify defects and issues in their processes. They will also analyze call recordings and ratings to further review areas of success and dissatisfaction. If Post University does not hear feedback from their students, they cannot improve processes and identify and prioritize what is important to their “customers”. This feedback is critical to ensure that Post University understands the impact its processes has on the students, as a primary stakeholder. My recommendation to all students at Post University is to provide honest and accurate feedback through the website, such as the surveys, so that their voice can be heard and areas of dissatisfaction can be addressed.

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Operation Management: A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company
Reference No:- TGS02431400

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