
A solar thermal plant with energy storage capability is to

A solar thermal plant with energy storage capability is to be constructed at about a 40° latitudeto provide the electric energy to a system whose 24-hr average load is 100 MWe during the winter.Assume that the solar thermal power plant will have a 25% energy conversion efficiency; that thenighttime load is 40% of the total load; and that 10% of the energy that must be stored is lost. (a)Determine the total land area (in km2) required for the reflectors (heliostats). (b) For comparisonalso determine the area (in km2) required for a fixed horizontal system. In both cases, it is believedthat a parabolic reflector system can be set up so that the reflectors cover 45% of the land area onwhich they are placed. The reflected energy collected at 40° latitude in winter is 6 kW·hr/m2·dayfor a tracking system, and only 1.85 kW·hr/m2·day for a horizontal fixed system. 

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Electrical Engineering: A solar thermal plant with energy storage capability is to
Reference No:- TGS01164073

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