A social worker would need to know this in the event that

Many people believe that culture only includes people of different races and religion but it isn't. According to Zimmermann, "Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts."

An outsider may not know that am part of the vegan culture. For those that are unfamiliar with vegan culture (not to be confused with vegetarian culture), veganism is currently defined as a way of living that attempts to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty, be it for food, clothing or any other purpose.

A social worker would need to know this in the event that they come to my home to provide social services and they are wearing a type of animal skin or fur. My family would feel offended and thus make the interaction with the social worker an uncomfortable one. Or if I was to meet with my social worker over lunch/dinner and they suggest a BBQ/steakhouse restaurant.

Cultural competence allows social workers to feel comfortable and be effective in their interactions with families whose cultures are different from their own. It enables families to feel good about their interactions with their social worker, and it allows the two parties to accomplish their goals (Brislin, Cushner, Cherrie, & Young, 1986).

Social workers will have trouble connecting with their clients without cultural competence and providing the assistance that they seek. It does not help a client when a social worker views his or her own world view as correct and the client's view as problematic or pathological. Helping the client "give up" those aspects of cultural heritage that cause anxiety in the worker can hurt the client

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Dissertation: A social worker would need to know this in the event that
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