A long conducting rodsuspended by insulating strings. Assume that the rod is initiallyelectrically neutral. For convenience we will refer to the left endof the rod as end A, and the right end of the rod as end B. In the answer options for this problem, "strongly attracted/repelled"means "attracted/repelled with a force of magnitude similar to that which would exist between two charged balls.
Part A
A small metal ball is given a negativecharge, then brought near (i.e., within about 1/10 the length ofthe rod) to end A of the rod . What happens to end A of the rodwhen the ball approaches it closely this first time?
It is strongly repelled. It is strongly attracted. It is weakly attracted. It is weakly repelled. It isneither attracted nor repelled.
Now consider what happens when thesmall metal ball is repeatedly given a negative charge andthen brought into contact with end A of the rod.
Part B
After a great many contacts with the charged ball, how is the charge on the rod arranged (when the charged ballis far away)?
There is positive charge on end B andnegative charge on end A. There is negative charge spread evenly onboth ends. There is negative charge on end A with end B remaining neutral. There is positive charge on end A with end B remaining neutral.
Part C
How does end A of the rod react when thecharged ball approaches it after a great many previous contacts with end A? Assume that the phrase "a great many" means that the total charge on the rod dominates any charge movement induced by the near presence of the charged ball.
It is strongly repelled. It is strongly attracted. It is weakly attracted. It is weakly repelled. It isneither attracted nor repelled.
Part D
How does end B of the rod react when thecharged ball approaches it after a great many previous contactswith end A?
It is strongly repelled. It is strongly attracted. It is weakly attracted. It is weakly repelled. It isneither attracted nor repelled.