
A sky diver of mass 60 kilogram can slow herself to a

A sky diver of mass 60 kilogram can slow herself to a constant speed of 93 km/h by orienting her body horizontally, looking straight down with arms and legs extended. In this position, she presents the maximum cross-sectional area and thus maximizes the air-drag force on her.

(a) Determine the magnitude of drag force on the sky diver?


(b) If the drag force is equal to bv2, determine what is the value of b?


(c) At some instant she quickly flips into a "knife" position, orienting her body vertically with her arms straight down. Assume this reduces the value of b to 52 % of the value in Parts (a) and (b). Determine her acceleration at the instant she achieves the knife position?


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Physics: A sky diver of mass 60 kilogram can slow herself to a
Reference No:- TGS0926153

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