
A sinusoidal input u 10 sin100t is provided to an unknown

Question: A sinusoidal input u = 10 sin(100t) is provided to an unknown first-order system, which serially connects to a first-order transducer system defined by a sensitivity of 1.2 and a time constant of 0.01 s. The output from the transducer is further fed into a filter-amplifier device, which acts as a second-order system with a sensitivity of 3, a natural frequency of 300 rad/s, and a damping ratio of 0.3. Knowing that the signal output from the filter-amplifier system has an amplitude of 200 and a phase angle of -70° with respect to the sinusoidal input, evaluate the unknown first order system parameters.

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Physics: A sinusoidal input u 10 sin100t is provided to an unknown
Reference No:- TGS02577622

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