
A set solution concept for a family of bargaining games f

A set solution concept for a family of bargaining games F is a function ? associating every bargaining game (S, d) in F with a subset of S (which may contain more than a single point). Let f : R4 → R be a function. Define a set solution concept ? as follows:

Ψ(S, d) = argmaxx∈S f(d,x).

(a) Give an example of a function f for which ?(S, d) is not always a single point.

(b) Prove that ? satisfies independence of irrelevant alternatives. In other words, if T ⊇ S and x ∈ ?(T,d) ∩ S, then x ∈ ?(S, d).

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Mathematics: A set solution concept for a family of bargaining games f
Reference No:- TGS01734768

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