A scheme for dissipating heat from an array of N = 100 integrated circuits involves joining the cir- cuits to the bottom of a plate and exposing the top of the plate to a water bath. The water container is of
(a) What is the evaporative flux (kg/s · m2) at a dis- tance 1 m from the leading edge?
(b) What is the irradiation (W/m2) that should be sup- plied to the tray surface at this location to maintain the water temperature at 330 K?
(c) Assuming the water temperature is uniform over the tray at this location, what is the evaporation rate (kg/s · m) from the tray per unit width of the tray?
(d) What irradiation should be applied to each of the first four trays such that the corresponding evapo- ration rates are identical to that found in part (c)?