A saturated sample of soil 38mm in diameter and 75mm high

A saturated sample of soil, 38mm in diameter and 75mm high, hasbeen prepared for a triaxial test. Total mass of the sample was measured as 144.6grams, and the initial moisture content determined at 25.2%. The Specific Gravity of thesolids was estimated at 2.70. Prior to shearing the sample was consolidated:during this consolidation stage 5cm3 of water was expelled. The sample was thensheared with no further drainage allowed. Calculate:

(a) The initial and after-consolidation void ratio of the sample.

(b) The after-consolidation moisture content.

(c) The pre-consolidation value of dry density

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Civil Engineering: A saturated sample of soil 38mm in diameter and 75mm high
Reference No:- TGS0796752

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