A sample of finely ground coal of mass 0.9946 g was placed in a crucible of 8.5507 g in an oven and maintained at 105 oC for 4.0 ks. The sample was then removed, cooled in a dessicator and reweighed. This procedure was repeated until a constant total mass of 9.5342 g was attained. A second sample of mass 1.0122 g in a crucible of mass 8.5686 g was heated with a lid in a furnace at 920 oC for 420 s. On cooling and reweighing, the total mass was 9.1922 g. This sample was then heated without a lid in the same furnace maintained at 815 oC until a constant total mass of 8.6254 g was attained. Perform the proximate analysis of the sample and express the results on “as received” and “dry, ash-free” basis. Also determine the heating value of the coal, if empirical constant, a = 180 – 2.5 x (Volatile Matter).