Evaluate the given question
Question- A salt solution containing 20 wt% KNO3 in water is fed to a process at a rate of 10,000 kg/h. This feed stream is mixed with a recycle stream leaving a crystallizer and fed to an evaporator at 300 C in which pure water is vaporized. The concentrated liquid leaving the evaporator contains 50 wt% KNO3, and is fed to a crystallizer where the material is cooled. The crystals leaving the crystallizer contain 4 wt% water. The saturated solution leaving the crystallizer contains 0.6 kg KNO3/kg H2O, and is recycled to the evaporator, as described above.
Part 1- Calculate the mass flow rate of the recycle, water vapor, and crystal streams.
I need experts help to find the mass flow rate of the recycle.