A research team conducted a study of soft-drink preferences

Question 1

A research team conducted a study of soft-drink preferences among residents in a test market prior to an advertising campaign for a new cola product.

Of the participants, 130 are teenagers and 130 are adults. The researchers secured the following results:

Cola Noncola

Teenagers 50 80

Adults 90 40

Calculate an appropriate measure of association, and decide how to present the results. How might this information affect the advertising strategy?

Question 2

Your large firm is about to change to a customer-centered organization structure, in which employees who have rarely had customer contact will now likely significantly influence customer satisfaction and retention.

As a part of the transition, your superior wants an accurate evaluation of the morale of the firm's large number of computer technicians What type of sample would you draw if it was to be an unrestricted sample?

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Financial Management: A research team conducted a study of soft-drink preferences
Reference No:- TGS02700300

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