
A research proposal is an overview of the argument

Question: A research proposal is an overview of the argument contained in your working thesis statement, sometimes called a hypothesis. It is not based on research, but on what you already know, or think you know, about your topic.

If done well, a research proposal will almost serve as a preliminary outline of your paper. It offers your working thesis (hypothesis) and explanation, which should list the points you want to make. The sub-points are the main points of your paper. And the objections represent the other side of the argument.

This is a good time to reconsider the initial thoughts you had earlier in the module about your thesis (or hypothesis): do you need to rewrite it? If you have trouble filling in the sections below, an improperly formed thesis might be the problem.

For this module, you are to use your Research Paper Proposal in week 1and develop your final prospectus. The prospectus should be formed as a single, 5 page Microsoft Word file in proper APA style and should include the following components:

• Your APA style title/cover page (1 page)

• Your abstract with thesis (1 page, 100-250 words)

• Your complete, revised proposal (2-3 pages)

• Your revised final annotated bibliography (1-2 pages, 5-7 sources)

By the due date assigned, post your prospectus to the Submissions Area. Please review your lecture material for detailed instructions on the structure and format of each of these component.

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Dissertation: A research proposal is an overview of the argument
Reference No:- TGS02917508

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