
A reflect on the evolution of the marketing concept b

Marketing Fundamentals

Learning Outcomes

a) Reflect on the evolution of the marketing concept.

b) Outline the elements of the marketing process.

d) Demonstrate an understanding of problem definition, research and analysis, problem-solving and communication skills in Marketing.


This assessment facilitates exploratory learning through reviewing and responding to the work of others and approacheslearning in diverse ways.

It empowers you to express yourself with positive reinforcement from interactions on the discussion forum.

It allowstime forthoughtful reflection on topics covered in thissubject.


Choose a product, service, organisation or institution that you are interested in working for (this can even be based on a new businessidea that you would like to one day pursue).

Based on your choice above, answer the following questionsin approximately 750words.

Questions - In your own words discuss the following:

i. Define the concepts and processes in Marketing and why it is important to your chosen product, service, organisation or institution ( approx. 250 words)

ii. Identify and discuss one (1) explicit Marketing Environmental factor/force and its potential impact on the organisation. Include in your answer whether this a Micro or Macro factor ( approx. 250 words)

iii. Provide comments on what you considerthe company should do in response to this change in the Marketing Environment to maintain a competitive advantage. (approx. 250 words)

iv. You are then required to provide two (2) 100 -150 word responses of a peer student’s original post.

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Business Management: A reflect on the evolution of the marketing concept b
Reference No:- TGS02863948

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