
A recent research evaluated similar lived experiences

Identify two empirical (peer-reviewed) research articles that you used to justify the selection of your methodological approach for your dissertation topic. Explain how the methodologies used in these resources influenced your selection of methodology and research design.

Due to the challenges of narrowing my topic related to (Reading, Adults & Literacy), I sought to understand methodology's used in research that presented evidenced related to the impact of literacy programs on adult lifestyle changes.

This literature evaluated 74 researched studies and presented percentages that showed quantitative studies held the highest at 63.5%, 19% qualitative, 10.8% mixed, and 6.7% theory building methodologies utilized during 2006. According to Mikulecky, Smith-Burke, & Beatty, (2009), the predominant method is clear for most literary research.

This information did not change may choice for developing the qualitative study, but encouraged shaping the purpose and direction towards the lived experience of individuals challenged by literacy issues in adult life. A glimpse areas specific to language, disabilities, learning, women, literacy difficulties, and adult programs (Mikulecky, Smith-Burke, & Beatty, 2009).

A recent research evaluated similar lived experiences paired by social learning and literacy that shares the core component (literacy) and uses a case study approach of two successful doctoral students experiences with positive literacy identities, value by examining their literacy histories (Howard, Adams-Budde, Myers &Jolliff, 2017).

This sociocultural approach is similar to my initial thoughts about the emerging problems that literature confirms needs to be assessed by social integration, and adult learning programs. This research expands the knowledge of teachers and learning using doctoral students study experiences to show how learning shaped their identities.


Howard, C. M., Adams-Budde, M., Myers, J., &Jolliff, G. (2017). Shaping our Literate Lives: Examining the Role of Literacy Experiences in Shaping Positive Literacy Identities. International Journal For The Scholarship Of Teaching &Learning , 11 (2), 1-5. doi:10.20429/ijsotl.2017.110208

Mikulecky, L., Smith-Burke, T., & Beatty, J. (2009). Adult Literacy Research in 2006: Where Did It Appear, What Methodologies Were Used, and What Did It Say?. Adult Basic Education & Literacy Journal , 3 (2), 67-76.

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