Question: A quantity of oxygen gas is contained in a vessel of volume V = 1m3 at a temperature of T = 300K and a pressure of P. The vessel is connected
to a mercury-filled tube as shown in Fig. Note that the upper end of the tube is open to the atmosphere.
a. Is P greater or lesser than 1 atm? Calculate P in units of Torr and also pascals.
b. If the temperature of the gas is doubled, keeping V constant, by what factor does each of the following change?
i. density (g/cm3)
ii. average kinetic energy of a molecule
iii. rate of molecular collision with the walls
iv. vrms v. mass of 1 mole of gas
c. By means of a small pump the gas pressure is reduced to 100 Torr, while the temperature and volume remain fixed at 300K and 1m3. What then is the average kinetic energy of 1 molecule of the gas? Express your final answer in eV.