
A pump has a displacement of 100 cm3 it delivers 00015 m3s

Q.1 Attempt any four of the following:                                                               

(i) List and write in short about any 5 desired properties of hydraulic oils in fluid power.

(ii) List any 5 energy losses encountered by a flowing fluid in a fluid power system. 

(iii) Draw and label a schematic sketch of an internal gear pump.

(iv) Draw a schematic sketch of double acting cylinder with labeling of at-least 5 parts in it 

(v) A pump has a displacement of 100 cm3, it delivers 0.0015 m3/s at 1000 rpm and 70 bar. If the prime mover input torque is 120 N-m, find the:-

(a.) Overall efficiency of the pump (b.) Theoretical torque required to operate the pump

Q.2 Attempt any two of the following:                                                                  

 (i)  A hydraulic motor has an 82 cm3 volumetric displacement, if it has a pressure rating of 70 bar and it receives oil from a 0.0006 m3/s pump, find the motor’s:-

 (a.) Speed (b.) Torque capacity (c.) Power capacity

 (ii) What is a cylinder cushion and its purpose? Explain with the help of a neat diagram.

 (iii) Explain the working of a screw pump with the help of a neat and labeled sketch.

Q. 3  For the system as shown below, find the Force to be developed by the cylinder to drive a load of 1000 N and also find out the required diameter of the piston during extension, if the pressure rating of the cylinder is 20 bar.


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Mathematics: A pump has a displacement of 100 cm3 it delivers 00015 m3s
Reference No:- TGS01472407

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