
A psychology student''s well-being - ankrita bhura: 223143307

Ankrita Bhura: 223143307 

AT-1 Lab Report (Part B)

Dr Jacquie Mills

September 20, 2023

Final word count: 1200 

Self-compassion: A Psychology Student's Well-being


It is vital to comprehend how psychological health manifests itself in all dimensions of lifestyles in order to ascertain if young individuals experience life enjoyment and whether, regardless of age, wellness can be connected to varied levels of personal autonomy. The paper provides a definition of self-compassion and introduces the Self-Compassion Scale. This can be demonstrated by, among other things, being compassionate and compassionate regarding theirselves in times of suffering or failure rather than being harshly critical of oneself, seeing one's circumstances as being part part of the larger experience of humanity rather than seeing them as being separate or isolating, and continuing to hold negative emotions and thoughts through a state of mindfulness rather than over-identifying with them. The findings demonstrate a significant association between compassion for oneself and beneficial mental results, including decreased despair and anxiety and a greater sense of fulfillment. Furthermore, the discriminatory reliability of the scale is supported, particularly in relation to confidence measures. PERMA, a multidimensional paradigm that explains pleasure via five psychological aspects of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being-positive emotions, engagement, connections, meaning, and accomplishment-is another option. This sheds more light on the measurement of the PERMA components, extending it beyond general evaluations to encompass evaluations of daily life and the study of individual variations in their dynamic properties.

In this study, we have formulated the hypothesis that we are going to analyses. Our null hypothsis states that there is relationship between self-compassion and psychological well-being and reduce anxiety, depression, and having self-happines improvement. Our alternative hypothesis: states that there is no evidence of having signifcant relationship between self-compassion and psychological well-being and reduce anxiety, depression, and having self-happines improvement.

Mean score on the scale

The Tables 1 below shows (MED: Mediterranean in Australia) contain the evaluation of the socio-demographic and the way the participants handle their life and traits of Mediterranean in Australia and non- Mediterranean in Australia. Overall, the majority of the examined features showed a difference between these groups that was statistically significant when p-value would be 0.001. In the sample of participants (N = 689) there were 80% more women compared to men with only 19%, and only 1% of people identified as genderfluid as shown in the Table 1 below. Participants ranged in age from 39 to 63 years old, having the oldest coming from MED nations (63±13.56) and the young participants from non-MED nations (17±13.1).

Table 2: Eudaimonic well-being survey mean results


Table 3: Hedonic well-being survey mean results


Table 4: Self-compassion survey mean results



Table 5: Eudaimonic well-being correlation


In this result, there are positive outcomes on being pleased on their overall life right now and being content on past weeks in their life, but negative on being anxious on past weeks and stressed out.


Table 6:Hedonic well-being correlation


All measures' findings appeared slightly unfavorable, with the exception of negative emotions, and this had the opposite trend, indicating that those who participated typically experienced a high degree of well-being. All bivariate relationships appeared highly significant (and inversely connected alongside negative feelings) with 0.001 p-value.

Table 7: Self-compassion correlation


Table 8: sociodemographic correlation





















The results of the non-parametric partial correlated among socio-demographic variables, sex-related variables, age variable, and MED lifestyle elements are shown in Table 8. An impressive 0.923 on the Cronbach's alpha coefficient scale showed that high score level of the SCS score had a positive correlation alongside older ages, not rushing oneself if done flaws, have an inclination to fixate along with obsess over anything that is wrong when feel depressed, along with view the challenges as an ordinary component of life that they must endure. A p-value was reached for six of the fourteen variables that were substantially connected with the combined Self-Compassion Scale (SCS).


With the findings above, we found that there is p-value of 0.000 upon self-compasion towards our survey results which is less than 1% of significant level. This findisngs means that there is a significant association between compassion for oneself and beneficial mental results, including decreased despair and anxiety and a greater sense of fulfillment.

I think this finding occurred due because the results imply that the construct validity of the SCS is low level. The SCS's results did significantly correlate with the social desirability metric, showing that the scale's results have just represented a tendency to communicate oneself in a way that is socially desirable. This is an important first distinction to establish. Participants with the lower levels of self-compassion frequently reported treating others and themselves equally, whereas those with lower levels tended to report the opposite. This was found to be true based on validity of content. Recognizing that one deserves to be accorded the same respect and compassion because others as fellow human beings are a crucial component of self-compassion. The scale's convergence reliability was also confirmed.


The findings are consistent with literature study as it correlates with the results of some research. For an instance, according to Di Fabio &Palazzeschi (2015) To rule out the likelihood of social desirability bias, a correlation coefficient among the SCS and annova was first calculated: r =.05, p =.0.000. We hypothesized that those who reported treating themselves with the same degree of kindness as they did others would have displayed higher score of self-compassion.

The PERMA-Profiler displayed good psychometric properties in a broad, diverse, and international population (Di Fabio &Palazzeschi, 2015). In a following investigation, it is important to look into the validity overall item sequence in addition to convergent validity. It is also vital to test how sensitive people are to change with assistance. Our study examined correlations among each factor and the other measures included in the full 5-item questionnaire to take into account early indications of convergence and differing validity. Tables 5, 6, and 7's average correlations were derived, and it was found that even though the correlation levels of the PERMA components varied, every one of them followed the same trend. Engagement had the weakest association with prospering and enjoyment in life, while the factor of meaning had the strongest (Su et al., 2020). Loneliness and sad feelings as well as physical health were adversely correlated with the PERMA components.

The finding in this study can be helpful to people in real-world by applying proper self-compassion in our daily lives, particular when pain or flaws would come up. Avoiding negativity such like loneliness, and over-Identification various subscales resulted in a total compassion for one score for every person. Hence, the findings shows the score of how people may come up with metal response in any condition or circumstance in life.

Despite the draw backs of the study, it is important to note that the results show the value of resiliency with regard to hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. The study only comprised a small sample of Australian students. Future study should therefore include participants from a larger geographic range who are more descriptive of all Australian high school pupils. Data from more international contexts may be useful in future investigations. Another flaw was that the genderfluid measure was the only one used in the current study.  

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