A proposal to manufacture 4731 tonyr of a halogenated

A proposal to manufacture 4731 ton/yr of a halogenated organic intermediate is set out below:

Estimated fixed capital cost $2,500,000

Construction time 2 years

Working capital 20% of FCI

Operating cost (exc. depreciation) $ 523 per ton of product

Revenue from sales $ 862 per ton of product

Plant life 10 years

Salvage value $400,000

Income tax rate 47 %

Depreciation Life 7 years

im 20%

Assume 50% of the total FCI is spent in first year of construction period

Use Straight line depreciation. No Start-up expense

Land component of FCI is 20%

What is the NPW of this project? (Hint: make use of excel or a formula sheet to speed this up.)

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Financial Accounting: A proposal to manufacture 4731 tonyr of a halogenated
Reference No:- TGS01690571

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