
a project execution plan written and graphical

A project execution plan (written and graphical report) developing the strategy covering FIVE key areas:

Some guidelines for each subject area are listed below, but the report should also recognise the interrelatedness of the various subject areas. Rationale is essential and your report should maintain an argument throughout to justify any recommendations. The use of sub headings related to the topic areas is recommended so that you clearly show your position. The criteria for your report is shown in the Assignment Brief. You have a choice to present your report on 8 A4 sides (portrait) or on 4 A3 sides in columns (landscape).  Your appendix pages may be A4 or A3 to suit the material eg a programme or a cash flow, but any single A3 page will carry related material. Any single chart must not run onto more than one page unless fixed together as one and folded in.

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Project Management: a project execution plan written and graphical
Reference No:- TGS0206695

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