The Barking Lot is a dog day care center. Design a pseudocode for the following:
A) A program that accepts data for an ID number of a dog's owner, and the name, breed, age, and weight of the dog. Display a bill containing all the input data as well as the weekly day care fee, which is $55 for dogs under 15 pounds, $75 for dogs from 15 to 30 pounds inclusive, $105 for dogs from 31 to 80 pounds inclusive, and $125 for dogs over 80 pounds.
B) A program that continuously accepts dogs' data until a sentinel value is entered, and displays billing data for each dog.
C) A program that continuously accepts dogs' data until a sentinel value is entered, and displays billing data for dog owners who owe more than $100.
D) A program that continuously accepts dogs' data until a sentinel value is entered, and displays billing data for dogs who weigh less than 20 pounds or more than 100 pounds.