Please answer the following True or False questions:
A process is capable if special cause variations are below the center line.
True ______ False______
Random variation falls outside the control limits.
True ______ False______
Control charts are used to determine if there are unexpected variation in the process.
True ______ False______
Three items in parallel, each having a reliability of 0.90 have an overall system reliability of 0.999.
True ______ False______
The lower control limit for some control charts can be negative.
True ______ False______
A stable process may not produce good output
True ______ False______
Effective benchmarking must be against the best company in the same industry.
True ______ False _______
A Six Sigma process must have a process capability index of 2.0 or higher.
True _____ False________
There is no slack time on the critical path
True ______ False______
An activity cannot be longer than its pessimistic time estimate
True ______ False_____