
A problem employee is an employee that does not conform to

In 100 words state if you agree or disagree with the summary below and why? PLEASE reframe from using Overuse of ambiguous terms such as it, this, and they should not be used.

A problem employee is an employee that does not conform to the organization with the ultimate goal of meeting the organizational mission. While this a broad definition, there are varying levels of “problems” an employee can cause. First, you have those that only require something of a verbal warning or discussion. These employees are not necessarily normal troublemakers but on the occasion will come to work late or take too long of a lunch break. Then there are the employees that require a formal written reprimand. These are employees that have chronic issues following company policy. Some examples are employees that have received a verbal reprimand for coming to work late that now come in late every other day, or employees do not completely work within deadlines as a habit. Finally, there are those employees that commit such a terrible act that the employee must be fired immediately. Examples of these issues include threatening a coworker, sexual harassment, falsifying employment applications, or timecard fraud. In my opinion, the employee that requires the verbal reprimand is the most difficult to handle. My logic is as follows—the employee who is immediately fired has done something so terrible that it is an easily defensible position for the organization if the organization is sued for wrongful termination. The employee requiring written reprimands has a paper trail to show a consistent disregard for company policy. The verbally reprimanded employee, in my experience, typically straightens up for a month or so and then proceeds back to their former ways. Since the issue was not documented and it has “been a while” since the employee’s last infraction, the supervisor will typically give another verbal reprimand. This employee has no paper trail outlining the pattern of neglect of policy that an organization can use to defend against a lawsuit. I have found that most organizations take lawsuits into consideration before terminating an employee for cause. The human resource specialist brings all of the facts together and the efforts the organization has taken to assist the employee in conforming to the organization. If there a lack of evidence, terminating the employee gets little buy-in from HR and legal.

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Operation Management: A problem employee is an employee that does not conform to
Reference No:- TGS02915365

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