
A powerpoint slide presentation discussing an ethical case


Thinking and Doing Ethics

Ethics PowerPoint Presentation: Each student will develop and present in class a PowerPoint slide presentation discussing an ethical case from the assigned readings. The presentation will be on an approved case from the Burnor & Raley text. Each presentation should be between 3-5 slides in length and is to be uploaded to the drop box folder titled Ethics PowerPoint Presentations by midnight on Sunday prior to the Monday class session in which the presentations within the 8 week team,individual presentation will be made.is to occur. If class enrollment makes it unfeasible for all students to give individual presentation within the 8 week term, individual presentations will be made.


Case Analysis Paper

The Ethics of War

From Ruggiero (2012)

Write a 2 page, double spaced word document and upload it to the Digital Dropbox prior to end of Sunday in Week 7 that takes a stand on whether it right for a nation to go to war and why. You case analysis paper will be evaluated based on the characteristics of strong critical thinking discussed in the Paul & Elder mini-guide in module 1 and your ability to apply things you have learned about ethical perspectives throughout the course. Be sure to clearly state your position and argue well for it without relying on unsupported assumptions.

A growing number of people todaybelieve that war is always wrong, thatno circumstances ever justify one nation's taking up arms againstanother. Is the view ethically sound? lnanswering, be sure to comment on thequestions of a country's defendIngitselt against aggression and of astrong country's coming to the aid of a weak country that has been attackedunjustly.


Case: Modified from Ruggiero (2012)

The most controversial moral issue of our time may well be the issue of abortion. The Supreme Court's liberal ruling has not diminished the vigor of the debate. The very mention of the issue can trigger emotional outbursts. Most people tend to gravitate toward polar positions: " Anything less than abortion on demand is a denial of the most basic right of women" "Any form of abortion at any stage of pregnancy is premeditated murder.

In taking such positions, they close their minds to the complexities of the issue and miss the many distinctions that must be made, Any meaningful discussion of abortion must address at least these fundamental questions: Does a woman have absolute rights over her body or are there limitations on those rights? When does life begin? At what stage of prenatal development, if any, is the fetus properly regarded as a person? (This question is a crucial one in the law because at the moment a person is present, the issue of civil rights arises.) Are there sufficient differences among the various kinds of abortion cases to call for different moral judgments? For example, is the case of the 14-year-old victim of rape different from that of the wealthy, childless society matron? Are either of those cases different from that of the poor woman who already has ten children or from that of the young married working woman? Discuss how the issue of abortion may be viewed in light of 4 distinct ethical theories.

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