
A piano tuner strikes and holds down the key on a piano

1. What is the desorption given to the ranges of the repulsive force and of the attractive force between protons in a nucleus?

repulsive force

attractive force

short range

long range

short range

short range

long range

long range

long range

short range

2. A student suggests that the following transformation may take place.

714N+24He → 817O + 11P

Measurement of rest masses shows that

total rest mass (714N+24He )< total rest mass ( 817O + 11P). The student concludes that the reaction will

A. take place if the helium nucleus has sufficient kinetic energy.

B. always take place and the proton will be emitted with kinetic energy.

C. always take place but the proton will have zero kinetic energy.

D. never take place because there is no mass defect.

3. The diameter of a nucleus may be estimated from

A. determinations of half-life.

B. gamma-ray spectra.

C. charged particle scattering experiments.

D. fusion and fission reactions.

4. A bat approaches an insect of wing span length d. The bat emits a sound wave. The bat detects the insect if the sound is reflected from the insect.


The insect will not be located if

A. the insect's speed is less than the speed of the sound wave.

B. the insect's wing beat frequency is greater than the frequency of the sound wave.

C. the length d is much greater than the wavelength of the sound wave.

D. the length d is much smaller than the wavelength of the sound wave.

5. A piano tuner strikes and holds down the key on a piano that should produce a sound of frequency 440 Hz. At the same time he sounds a tuning fork that is known to have a frequency of 440 Hz. The resulting sound heard by the piano tuner fluctuates in loudness with a frequency of 2 Hz.

Which one of the following could be the frequency of the sound produced by the piano and the frequency of the sound heard by the piano timer?

Plano sound frequency / Hz

Frequency of sound heard
by piano tuner / Hz









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Physics: A piano tuner strikes and holds down the key on a piano
Reference No:- TGS01270204

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