A person with a uniform temperature of 29 C is standing barefoot on a block of ice in a breezy room at 20 C with an effective convection coefficient equal to 8 W/m^2 C. The surface area exposed to forced convection is 1.6 m^2. Due to the angle of incidence the area exposed to thermal radiation, which behaves as a gray surface, is one half of the exposed surface area. The absorptive of the person and the temperature of the radiation source are approximately 0.6 and 91C, respectively.
(Note: the Stefan-Boltzmann constant is 5.67x10^-8 W/m^2K^4)
1) Write the Conservation of energy for steady state, substituting the particular relationships for each mode of heat transfer.
2) Determine the heat conduction [W] experienced by the person to the ice, indicating the direction of heat transfer.
3) If water has a heat of fusion of 334 kJ/kg, estimate how much water has accumulated after 2 minutes [in^3].