A peri-stimulus time histogram (PSTH) is a commonly usedformat for displaying neurophysiological data. In a PSTH, theaverage firing rate of a neuron is depicted as a function of time.Trials are aligned in time onto the occurrence of a stimulus orbehavioral event. Construct a PSTH following these steps:
1) Download spike data by asking me through a personal message. The Matrix spikedata.m indicates heural activity overfive trials, each 1 second long. Each row is a trial, each columnis one millisecond. A 1 indicates that an action potential occurredin that time bin.
2)Smooth the data with a Guassian Kernel.
3)Plot the average firing rate across all five trials as afunction of time. This is the PSTH
4)At a certain point in the trial, a stimulus turned on andthen turned off. What is your best guess for the timings of the on set and offset of htat stimulus?