The theme of materialism, in “A perfect Day for Bananafish” and ‘Harvest” by Danielle Evans
In this unit, we have read two short stories that tackle the theme of materialism, “A perfect Day for Bananafish” and ‘Harvest” by Danielle Evans. Your essay will examine the message each story offers about the theme of materialism.
Prewriting questions:(these questions are to help and you do not have to answer them)
1. Track examples of material objects or characters with materialistic values in each story. What is the author’s tone when describing these objects or characters? what does his/her attitude toward these objects and characters seem to be?
2. What are some of the differences between the two authors-time period, race, gender? How might these account for some of the differences in attitude?
3. Which story’s message feels more compelling to you? which feels more correct? More complex? More true?
Assignment: Write 3 body paragraphs. (Each body paragraph must include a topic sentence, a quote from the reading and then support and analysis in that order.)
1. Paragraph 1 should examine: What message does “a perfect Day for Bananafish” offer about materialism?
2. Paragraph 2 should examine: what message does ‘Harvest” offer about materialism?
3 paragraph 3 should examine: What might account for the differences between the two stories? AND/OR which message is more compelling and why?
After you do that add an introduction, conclusion, and thesis statement to complete the essay.
Overall the final product should be 5 paragraphs long.