
A patient presents to the emergency department for suture

1. A patient presents to the emergency department for suture removal. The surgery was performed 2 weeks ago. A problem-focused history and exam are performed and the sutures are removed. What code would be assigned?

2. A patient was seen by his internal medicine physician two years ago. A rheumatologist in the same group practice now sees this patient for the first time. The rheumatologist performs an expanded problem-focused history, a detailed examination, and medical decision making of low complexity. Which code should be assigned for the rheumatologist?

3. Date of service: 10/25/09 Last date of treatment: 7/14/08

The patient is seen for a routine blood pressure check. Nurse documents BP: 135/90. Nurse asks about diet and exercise program. Patient offers no complaints. What is the correct E/M code for this service?

4. Nursing Home Visit

Date of service: 1/9/09. Last date of treatment: 1/2/08

Patient is seen for a routine visit. Physician performs a problem-focused history, problem-focused exam, and medical decision making that is straightforward. What is the correct E/M code for this service?

5. The patient's attending physician performs an expanded problem-focused history, a detailed examination, and medical decision making of moderate complexity in the emergency department. Which of the following CPT codes is reported for this service?

6. A 67-year-old established male patient is seen by his physician for an annual preventive physical examination. A comprehensive history is taken and a physical examination conducted. The physician orders an EKG and a chest X-ray to be performed on an outpatient basis the next day at General Hospital. How should the E/M service be coded?

7. Office Visit

Date of service: 7/15/10 Last date of treatment: 12/10/02

A patient is seen for a comprehensive history and comprehensive physical examination was performed and medical decision making was of high complexity.

8. A 34-year-old established female patient is seen by her physician. A comprehensive history and expanded problem-focused examination was performed and medical decision making was of low complexity.

9. Prolonged physician office services face-to-face with the patient for 70 minutes are reported using CPT code __________ in addition to the designated E/M code for the visit

10. Office Visit

Date of service: 1/3/04 Last date of treatment: 2/12/01

The patient is seen for a cough and sore throat. The physician performs a problem-focused history, expanded problem focused examination, and medical decision-making is straightforward.

11. Date of service: 9/28/04 Last date of treatment: 8/3/00 The patient is seen for a chief complaint of shortness of breath and fatigue. The physician performs a detailed history, comprehensive examination, and medical decision-making is of moderate complexity.

12. Nursing Home Visit

A long-term nursing home patient developed an upper respiratory infection and is seen by her regular attending physician. The physician performs a detailed interval history, detailed physical examination, and medical decision making is of moderate complexity.

13. Critical care services are reported based on the component of _______________

14. A physician provides critical care services for 85 minutes. What is the appropriate code assignment?

15. A physician spends 15 minutes beside with a critical patient, 15 minutes reviewing test results at the nursing station, and 35 minutes discussing the test results, available treatments, and prognosis with the patient's family. What is the appropriate code assignment?

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Basic Computer Science: A patient presents to the emergency department for suture
Reference No:- TGS02302723

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