
A patient has been diagnosed in neurology ward as suffering

1. A patient has been diagnosed in neurology ward as suffering from gullian barre disease. On history he told that he had episodes of dysentery in past. Which one of the following organisms can be responsible for this condition of the patient now

a. E.coli

b. Shigella

c. Salmonella

d. Campylobacter

e. V. cholera


2. In newspaper you read about an epidemic in which large number of people has been suffering from watery diarrhea. The microorganism that was found responsible for this condition is a comma shaped gram negative rod. Which one of the following characters differentiates this organism from terotoxigenic E .coli that also causes a similar type of diarrhea?

a. It is oxidase positive

b. It is gram negative

c. It is catalase positive

d. It is coagulase positive

e. It is anaerobe


3. In a medical ward a patient is suspected of being suffering from Typhoid fever. In the 1 st wk of this fever , which one of the following tests can best diagnose this disease

a. Widal test

b. Typhi dot test

c. Blood culture

d. Stool culture

e. Urine culture


4. A 14 yrs old boy landed in emergency with C/O bloody diarrhea with blood and mucus. His condition was diagnosed as bacillary dysentery caused by shigella dysenteriae. The toxin ( shiga toxin ) of this bacteria acts by which of the following mechanism

a. It acts as superantigen

b. Interferes with 60s ribosomal subunit

c. ADP ribosylation of EF2

d. Blocks the release of GABA

e. Blocka the release of acetylcholine


5. A 25 yrs old young man is diagnosed as suffering from haemolytic uremic syndrome. He gave history of haemorragic colitis after eating hamburger. Which of the the following organisms can be responsible for this condition

a. Vibrio cholera

b. Shigella sonnei

c. Entero invasive E.coli

d. Entero toxigenic E.coli

e. E.coli O157:H7 strain


6. A 35 yrs old female visited a clinic with C/O fever and burning micturition. Her urine sample was sent to laboratory for culture. Culture report revealed the causative organism as a gram negative rod, non lactose fermenter that swarms on blood agar. The organism is

a. Pseudomonas

b. Proteus

c. E.coli

d. Staph. Saprophyticus

e. Ureaplasma urealyticum


7. In laboratory, various biochemical reactions are done for the diagnosis of enterobacteriaceae. Which of the following TSI reactions are considered positive for E.coli

a. Acid slant, acid butt, no H2S, production of gas

b. Acid slant, acid butt, H2S, production of gas

c. Acid slant, alklaine butt, no H2S, no gas

d. Alkaline slant,acid butt, no H2S, production of gas

e. Alkaline slant , alkaline butt, no H2S, no gas


8. In surgical ward, greenish blue coloured pus is coming out from wounds of a patient. The organism responsible for this pus is a gram -ve rod, non lactose fermenter that is oxidase +ve. This organism is

a. Staph.aureus

b. Klebsiella

c. Pseudomonas

d. Proteus

e. Serratia


9. A 42 yrs old patient comes to a physician with C/O pain epigastrium. He advised him gastroscopy after which the patient was diagnosed as suffering from gastric ulcers. He was advised to take multiple drugs . Which of the following tests can be done to see the response  to treatment in this case.

a. Urea breath test

b. Gastric biopsy


d. Stool antigen test

e. PCR


10. A 6 yrs old child was brought to paediatric emergency with c/o fever, sore throat and cervical adenopathy. On examination doctor observes a greyish coloured membrane over the tonsils and throat of child. Which of the followings are characters of the organism that is responsible for this condition?

a. A gram +ve rod with metachromatic granules

b. A gram +rod with spores

c. A gram +ve rod with polypeptide capsule

d. A gram -ve rod that is capsulated

e. A gram -ve coccobacillus


11. A 22 yrs old young man came to dermatology outdoor with c/o various moist maculopapular rashes on his body. A sample from these lesions was taken and sent to laboratory for examination. Spiral shaped rods were observed on dark field microscopy. Which one of the following tests can also be done to confirm the diagnosis of this disease?

a. Widal test

b. Oxidase test

c. Indole test

d. FTA ABS test

e. Weil felix test


12. A 22 years old newly married woman suffers from UTI. Her urine sample was sent to laboratory for investigations. Bacteria isolated from this sample is a gram positive coccus, catalase +ve, coagulase -ve and novobiocin resistant. The most probable diagnosis will be

a. E. coli

b. Staph. Aureus

c. Staph. Epidermidis

d. Staph. Saprophyticus

e. Staph. Haemolyticus


13. Staphylococcus Aureus is an important pathogen in  causing various pyogenic infections. It produces golden yellow colonies on blood agar. Which of the following substances that is produced by Staph. Aureus is responsible for these golden yellow colonies

a. Catalase

b. Coagulase

c. Staphylokinase

d. Staphyloxanthin

e. DNAase


14. A 6 yrs old child has been suffering from ear discharge for one month. His mother took him to doctor who sent the specimen of ear discharge to laboratory for microbiological investigations. The laboratory report reveals the presence of gram positive diplococci which are optochin sensitive. Which one of the following will be responsible for this condition

a. Staph. Aureus

b. Staph. Epidermidis

c. Enterococcus

d. Strept. Viridians

e. Pneumococcus


15. A 14 yrs old girl comes to doctor's clinic with C/O severe vomiting. She gave history of eating pastries at a friend's place. Enterotoxin of Staphylococcus aureus is a usual etiological factor in this type of food poisoning. The mechanism of action of this toxin is

a. It is a protease

b. It acts as a super antigen

c. It acts as an enzyme

d. It acts as an ADP-ribosylate

e. It activates G protein


16. A child comes to dermatology outdoor with C/O honey crusted lesions on face that are diagnosed as pyoderma. This condition is mostly caused by Group A beta haemolytic streptococci. The grouping of streptococci is based on which of the following factors

a. C carbohydrate

b. M protein

c. Protein A

d. Teichoic acids

e. Lipoteichoic acids


17. A 4 yrs old child suffers from meningitis. CSF specimen reveals gram positive lancet shaped diplococci. Which one of the following is a characteristic of this bacteria

a. It is optochin sensitive

b. It is beta haemolytic

c. It has only one serotype

d. It is bile insoluble

e. It can survive in 6.5% NaCl


18. Blood culture from a patient suffering from endocarditis reveals gram positive cocci in chains that

are catalase-ve, can produce alpha- haemolysis on blood agar and is also part of normal flora of oral cavity. The causative organism is

a. Staph. Aureus

b. Staph. Epidermidis

c. Enterococcus

d. Strept. mutans

e. Strept. Agalactiae


19. "Satelitism" is a phenomena in which increase growth of H. influenza is observed around a streak made by  which of the following organisms on blood agar

a. Strept. Pyogenes

b. Staph. Aureus

c. Staph. Epidermidis

d. Strept. Agalactiae

e. Strept. Bovis


20. A 5 yrs old child has been diagnosed as suffering from diphtheria. Which of the following tests can be used to assess the immune status of this child against this disease?

a. Tuberculin test

b. Schick test

c. Dick test

d. Lepromin test

e. Widal test


21. A 25 yrs old woman comes to gynae outdoor with C/O vaginal discharge and intermenstrual bleeding. Gram staining of discharge reveals gram -ve diplococcic within polymorphs. Which of the following culture media should be selected in this case preferably

a. blood agar

b. chocolate agar

c. macConkey agar

d. Thayer Martin VCN media

e. Bordet Gengou media


22. For the diagnosis of diphtheria in laboratory, an antibody- based gel diffusion precipitin test is performed to document toxin production. This test is called

a. Tuberculin test

b. Schick test

c. Dick test

d. ELEK test

e. Widal test


23. A 6 yrs old child suffers from otitis media. Gram staining of ear discharge reveals gram negative coccobcilli that needs X and V factors for growth. Which one of the following is also a characteristic of this  bacteria?

a) it has a polypeptide capsule

b) it causes meningitis in newly born children

c) it causes whooping cough

d) It causes atypical pneumonia

e) It causes epiglottitis


24. A 22 yrs old patient in a medical ward is diagnosed as suffering from chronic liver disease. A hepatitis virus is found responsible for this clinical condition. Out of these hepatitis viruses, which one is a DNA virus

a. Hepatitis A

b. Hepatitis B

c. Hepatitis C

d. Hepatitis D

e. Hepatitis E

25. In a medical ward all doctors and paramedical staff were vaccinated against hepatitis B infection. Which one of the following serological marker will be now found positive in these people

a. HBs Ag

b. HB e Ag

c. HB c Ab

d. HB s Ab

e. HB e Ab


26. A patient is diagnosed as suffering from lepromatous leprosy. What is the optimal temperature for the growth of bacterium that is responsible for this clinical condition

a) 22?C

b) 30?C

c) 37?C

d) 40?C

e) 42?C


27. In the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, many complex lipids are present. Out of the following , which one is not a part of its cell wall

a. Mycolic acids

b. Linoleic acid

c. Wax D

d. Phosphatides

e. Cord factor


28. A 20 yrs old young boy has been suffering from low grade fever, productive cough and night sweats for last one month. His chest X ray shows a cavitary lestion in lungs. Sputum sample of this patient should be cultured on which of the following available culture media

a. chocolate agar

b. Blood agar

c. Middle brook 7H10 agar

d. Nutrient agar

e. CLED media


29. In a medical ward you come across a patient suffering from tetanus. Which one of the following statements defines the causative organism

a. Gram -ve aerobic rod

b. Gram +ve anaerobic non spore forming rod

c. Gram +ve aerobic non spore forming rod

d. Gram +ve aerobic spore forming rod

e. Gram +ve anaerobic spore forming rod


30. A 16 yrs old boy landed in emergency with high grade fever, vomiting and neck stiffness. He was suspected to be suffering from bacterial meningitis. His CSF was taken and sent to laboratoty for microbiological diagnosis. Meningococcus was found responsible for his condition. Of the following serogroups of this organism, vaccine is not available against which of the serogroup

a. A

b. B

c. C

d. Y

e. W135

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Mathematics: A patient has been diagnosed in neurology ward as suffering
Reference No:- TGS01468799

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