1)Compare and Contrast Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes. What are s/s of each? What are indications of compensation for patients who have uncontrolled DM? What are complications of each (hint: DKA vs HHNS). How would a nurse know pt is experiencing complications?
2) What things cause hyper and hypoglycemia for pts with DM?
3) What is HgbA1C and what does it mean? ‘
4) Why are DM patients at increased risk for infection?
5) Know actions, SE, peaks of insulins.
6) Contrast hyper and hypothyroidism. What are s/s of each? What hormones are involved (hint: T3, T4, Calcitonin)? What labs may be drawn, what do you do if those are high/low & what s/s indicate they are high/low? Treatment? Complications? What assessment findings should be reported?
7) A patient has a thyroidectomy. What are nursing assessments and interventions for this patient? What complications should the nurse be alert for? How does the nurse know if complications are occurring (i.e. s/s)?
8) What is Diabetes insipidus? What are s/s of the disease?
9) Myxedema is a s/s of what endocrine disorder. What does this mean?