
A patient 65 years with a history of hypertension what are

Question - A patient, 65 years with a history of hypertension, and on HCTZ medication comes to the clinic with a complaints of heart palpitation, light headedness on and off for the past month. Vital signs are BP= 180/95, pulse irregular 78, Resp 20, weight 99 kilograms. Lower extremities has moderately +3 edema. Patient's labs are as follows:

Na 143 mEq/L,

Cl 99 mmol/L,

Bun 18 mg/dl,

Hbg 15

Patient is alert, oriented x3, has positive bowel sounds

What are the treatment goals for the patient today?

What is the pharmacologic plan?

What is the rational behind the plan?

Identify 5 patient education points based on the plan?

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Dissertation: A patient 65 years with a history of hypertension what are
Reference No:- TGS02617740

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