A pacific north west home has a solar photovoltaic (PV) systemthat produces 10.45 MWh of usable electricity peryear. Their PV system is tied to the electrical grid, and all theenergy it produces is credited against their energy home consumption.
Well, they have purchased an electric car to replace theirprevious gasolline car. The electric car will be charged nightlyfrom an outlet in their garage. This is the only place where theywill charge the car. They plan to drive their car about10,000 miles per year. Published data show, on average, anelectric car requires .35 kWh/mile.
A. Calculate the car's annual energyconsumption.
B. The homes average historical electricityconsumption, before the electric car, has been 7 MWh per year. Nowthat they are using the electric car, what percentage of theirtotal annual consumption will be used by the car?