A non-conductor sphere of radius a has a negative chargedistribution given by the function p = -c / r2 where cis a positive constant with units of C/m)
a) calculate the charge on the sphere (will have to dointegral)
b) use Gauss's law to calculate the electric field in thefollowing regions
i) r > a
ii) r < a
iii) r = a
c) calculate the voltage at x = a by evaluating theappropriate line integral from x = infinity to x = a
d) the field outside a spherically symmetric chargedistribution is equal to the field that would be produced if thetotal charge were concentrated at the center of the distribution.Use this shortcut to confirm your result from part (c)
Note: I mainly need help with (a) because the Q varies from 0to r so we have to take the integral. you can just do any one ofthe 4 parts if you want to. Thank you for your help. I reallyappreciate it.