
A narrative description of the field chosen for the


Your programming project will be to build a substantial database applicationfor a real-world scenario of your choosing. You will design a schema for the database, and youwill create an actual database using a relational database management system. You will populate thedatabase with sample data, write interactive queries and modifications on the database, create programsthat manipulate the database, and develop user-friendly tools for interacting with the database.Youareresponsible for:

First, write the project proposal by June 8, 2013

This proposal should include:

o A narrative description of the field chosen for the application being created. This should also include a description of the problem and addressing the weaknesses to be solved by the database.

o Identification of the information needs - what information is needed to help solve the problem.

o Initial list of entities (tables) that have been identified. This should come naturally from the above discussions.

o Roles and Responsibilities of each member for the project. List the names of each group member and what their primary role will be (e.g., systems analyst, application developer, documentation writer).

The following is due June 18, 2013

1. Systems Analysis
The next step is for the students to take the requirements from the "users" and draw an Entity Relationship diagram.
The E-R Diagram should then be submitted to the instructor for approval before proceeding.
Students may use a specific ER modeling tool.
Note: The "Relationship View" in MS Access is not an ER modeling tool.

2. Logical and Physical Modeling
Given the ER diagram and sets of attributes for each entity, the next step is to convert the ER model into a relational model and go through the process of normalization. This step will require the student to list all of the functional dependencies.

3. Database Implementation

students should then implement the database tables from the normalized set of relations created in the previous step. Data should be supplied for each table. The amount of data should be such that the need for a database is clear. In other words, provide enough examples to demonstrate why a database was required in the first place.

4. Application Implementation

The application (forms, reports, queries, menus) can then be created on top of the tables. For Queries, provide the associated SQL statements.

5. Write Up Final Report

The final step is to prepare a formal report and brief presentation. This report should include:

o A separate cover page.
o An introduction section similar to the proposal.
o Two ER diagrams: One showing just entities and relationships on a single page, and a second ER with attributes and identifiers included.
o The collection of normalized relations and functional dependencies, and a brief discussion as to the normal form(s) achieved, the methods used to achieve these normal forms, and reasons why any de-normalization was done.
o A listing of the metadata for each table in the database.
o An example printout of each of the forms, reports and queries accompanied by a description of the function of each.
o A Menu Tree showing the organization of the menu items and a brief description of why you chose this layout of menu items. The "Organization Chart" feature of MS Powerpoint can be useful for this step.
o A narrative conclusion section that describes:

a) the student's experience with the project (which steps were the most difficult? Which were the easiest? What did you learn that you did not imagine you would have? if you had to do it all over again, what would you have done differently?)

b) if the proposed benefits can be realized by the new system

c) any final comments and conclusions 

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Database Management System: A narrative description of the field chosen for the
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